We offer financial planning for interested clients and for those whom we think it may be beneficial. However, our approach differs from that of many other firms in the industry.
Many firms now lead with financial planning. The results are often shiny, colorful, bound presentations used to help convince a client that a particular advisor or firm is going to give them the best outcome.
playing the long game.
As with any modeling or projections of the future, the output is only as good as the input and the more detailed financial plans become, the more assumptions are required.
Investing (and life) is full of uncertainty and the future will almost certainly look different than the past. Given these challenges, we take a humbler approach by trying to make financial planning as simple as possible, allowing us to keep a long-term perspective rather than on constantly updating projections based on recent data points.
important questions to ask yourself.
What do I want my retirement to look like?
Based on my goals in retirement, when can I afford to retire?
Do I want to leave money for heirs and/or charities or have my final check bounce?
Does it make sense to do some of that gifting now rather than wait?
Can I pay for the educational expenses of a loved one without jeopardizing my own financial safety?
If I am likely to have money left over after I die, what do I want to happen with it?
Or if you are a small business owner planning to sell, how might I plan for the tax consequences?
These are just a few of the financial questions we can help you navigate as you plan for the next chapters of your life. The best time to start is now; contact us today for a consultation into how we can best serve you.